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Forerunner Automatons
Vanguard-class Sentinel


Cost: N/A
Build Time: N/A seconds.
Hull: 12300
Armor: 15
Shields: 24200
Experience value: 65
Squadrons: 0
Beam Weapon Damage: 280
Beam Weapon Cooldown:
The largest-known sentinels, Vanguard-class Sentinels have heavy armor and weapons to properly protect their installations.



Vanguard-class Sentinels are usually the muscle of installation defence. While the Combat-class Sentinels are more pests than anything, these ones are very hard to destroy and are usually found in small numbers around their installations.


Like most Forerunner constructions, the Vanguard-class sentinels have a long history. Originally used during the Forerunner-Flood war, they were created as a combat ship which could destroy super massive areas of infestation while not having an organic crew to be infected. Though in most cases they were largely successful thanks to their expendable nature and heavy firepower, they couldn't halt the Flood's conquest of the galaxy. After the Halo Array was fired, these sentinels were relocated to valuable shield worlds and select Halo Installations to ensure that the Flood could never again threaten the existence of sentient life once again.

The Covenant came across several of these sentinels on their quest for the Great Journey: a misinterpretation of the Halo Array. Since then, they discover a number of shield worlds, and in most cases provoked the AI caretakers into attacking them. Though they eventually subjugated the Shield Worlds and reversed engineered their relics, the effectiveness of the Vanguards was never questioned once.

Weapons and Tactical Usage[]

These sentinels are usually the only things you'll have to watch out for when your trying to conquer a Forerunner shield world or Halo installation. Heavy firepower and a large fleet is needed to destroy even one of these things. While they are extremely slow-moving, they rely on Combat-class Sentinels to keep the fleet distracted while they move into weapons range.


External Links[]

See also[]
